Summer Days in the Mountains


This morning I had coffee out on my deck in the Rocky Mountain wilderness where I live and captured this picture. The day started perfectly with sunshine, butterflies and hummingbirds (which I couldn’t get to in time to take pictures of).

May days in the backyardMy mock Cherry tree in blossom.


Murphy watering lawnMurphy (my grandson) watering.

Lazy hazy days of summer

The summer season is upon us, those days we just wait for until they’re here. Then we have a habit of complaining how hot it is. I always prefer spring and fall over summers. I find fall and spring with their warm days and cool evenings are my favorite times. To quote Judith McNaught in her book ‘Something Wonderful’ her heroine loves the smell of ‘fresh’ dirt – which I found to be a different approach to dirt. For anyone who enjoys reading romance I would highly recommend this one. It is my favorite – a book that made me laugh, cry and feel just about every emotion possible.
I have been busy with yardwork, annual doctor’s/dentists/optometrists appointments. I have no idea why I picked summer to do these things, but I always faithfully do them regardless. I am getting ready and planning for a trip to Vancouver Island to visit a few nieces and then on to Seattle to visit family and relatives and then even further to Princeton on the Sea, a small place outside San Francisco where I will do research on the book I’m presently writing. It is a Romantic Suspense – titled Angels Among Us and some of the story takes place in Princeton on the Sea. I always love research and am looking forward to this trip. I hope everyone is enjoying the lazy, hazy days of summer.